Heating floor, heat code in the Emergency Department, activation of territorial clinics and USCAR
Ministry of Health
Heat code in the Emergency Departments, activation of local clinics 7 days a week - 12 noon for accesses related to the effects of the heat, strengthening of the emergency medical service, reactivation of the USCARs (Special Regional Assistance Continuity Units) to promote home assistance and avoid inappropriate access to emergency departments.
These are the recommendations of the Ministry of Health contained in the circular issued on 17 July 2023 to the Regions, to deal with the heat emergency and prevent the effects of the heat waves that have been occurring in recent weeks.
Specifically, in order to best deal with the effects of heat on health, the Regions are invited to evaluate the preparation of organizational actions to strengthen the ordinary response to requests for health assistance, in particular for vulnerable subjects. Among these, theactivation of the "heat code" i.e. a preferential and differentiated care path in the Emergency Department.
The circular also indicates that the communication campaign prepared by the Ministry of Health "Let's protect ourselves from the heat" be widely disseminated for widespread information to citizens on the behaviors to adopt to face and defend themselves from the heat wave.
It should be remembered that the hot bulletins activated from 15 May and which will continue until 15 September are published every day on the Ministry of Health portal.
Source: Ministry of Health, Press release 17 July 2023
to know more
Brochure: Let's protect ourselves from the heat
Poster – Let's protect ourselves from the heat. 10 simple rules for a safe summer
Publication year: 2023
- Poster – Poster – A3 format – Let's protect ourselves from the heat. 10 simple rules for a safe summer ( )
- Poster – Poster – A4 format – Let's protect ourselves from the heat. 10 simple rules for a safe summer ( )
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Come riconoscere, prevenire e gestire il colpo di calore