Ministry of Health. Immuni app: available in the Apple and Google stores. Already downloaded by 1.150 million Italians

“Un milione e 150 mila di italiani hanno già scaricato Immune, la app per il tracciamento dei contatti, un risultato confortante. Da lunedì sarà a pieno regime nelle regioni pilota e dalla settimana successiva in tutta Italia”. Lo ha detto il commissario per l’emergenza coronavirus Domenico Arcuri, in conferenza dalla Protezione Civile.

The Immuni app, available for free in the Apple and Google stores, is downloadable from June 1st. This is an innovative technological support that joins the initiatives already implemented by the Government to limit the spread of the Covid-19 virus. It was developed in compliance with Italian and European legislation on the protection of privacy.

Dotarsi da adesso dell’app permetterà di risalire ai contatti che possono aver esposto una persona al rischio di contagio. I servizi sanitari regionali potranno gradualmente attivare gli avvisi dell’app. A cominciare saranno da Monday 8 June the Regions of Abruzzo, Liguria, Marche and Puglia. All useful information on the functioning of the system is available on the site For clarifications, citizens and health professionals can also contact the toll-free number 800 91 24 91, active every day from 8 to 20.

It is emphasized that the application cannot be downloaded directly via email or SMS. Immuni serves mobile phone users who have activated the application to receive notification of any exposure to the Coronavirus. Names and other elements that can lead to the identity of the positive person or those who have had contact with her are not present nor will they be recorded in the entire system of the app, but rather alphanumeric codes. The use of the application, voluntary, has the purpose of increasing safety in the phase of resumption of activities.

The project was born out of collaboration between the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Health, the Minister for Technological Innovation and Digitization, the Regions, the Extraordinary Commissioner for the Covid-19 emergency and the public companies Sogei and PagoPa.

In the first day of launch the app is been downloaded by over 500,000 Italians, resulting in first place in the ranking of applications with the most downloads both on the App store and on Google play. This was announced by the Minister for Innovation, Paola Pisano.

Base di lavoro per la realizzazione dell’app, il codice messo gratuitamente a disposizione dello Stato da parte della società Bending Spoons. Il sistema è stato sviluppato anche grazie a un’approfondita interlocuzione con il Garante per la protezione dei dati personali e riservando utmost attention to privacy.

Mobile users who decide to download the application help protect themselves and the people they meet. If they have come into contact with subjects who have subsequently tested positive for the swab, they will be notified with an app notification. This will allow them to promptly contact the general practitioner to receive indications on the steps to take.

When the health facilities and local health authorities find a new positive case, with the subject's consent, they will be able, with their health professionals, to insert a code into the system. At this point the system will send the notification to users with whom the positive case has been in close contact.

The pandemic is defeated above all with the individual behaviours, washing hands, keeping a safe distance and wearing a mask.

To these good behavioral practices is now added theImmuni app: a technological aid to keep Covid-19 away from us and the people we love.

Scarica l’App gratuitamente negli store di Apple e Google:

For information contact:

Ministero della Salute – aggiornamento 4 giugno 2020

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