Recanati doctor: "No-vax patients choose another doctor". Accused of "conniving with Big Pharma"

Amedeo Giorgetti, family doctor in Recanati, ended up in the media limelight for having invited with a sign no-vax patients to choose another doctor.

The sign said:

«Caro paziente, il Covid ha devastato la vita umana e professionale. Fino ad oggi il vaccino è l’unica arma per non ammalarsi. Se ha qualche dubbio o timore, sono a disposizione. Se invece crede che il vaccino sia una pericolosa arma in mano alle multinazionali del farmaco con la connivenza di noi medici di famiglia è pregato di cambiare ambulatorio perché non tollero queste accuse stupide e offensive».

La cosa ha avuto una eco mediatica notevole con intervista al Corriere della Sera del 15 novembre e la nota al “Caffè” di Gramellini, intervento di una troupe di Canale 5, intervista a La7, ecc..

Doctor Giorgetti's patience has reached its limit. Giorgetti admitted that he is tired of being continually accused of "connivance with Big Pharma”. “Why should I continue to suffer? I only want to deal with people who appreciate, respect and follow my recommendations. It's enough to deal with people who treat me like a fish and when they catch Covid, they not only claim to receive immediate assistance, but use arrogance

Giorgetti explains that he has received two objections from his patients, prior to the sign posted in his Recanati clinic. To the accusations of discrimination and of violating the Hippocratic oath, he replies by explaining "I have never kicked out any patient, nor have I ever refused to treat anyone, I just want everyone to protect themselves with vaccination, especially those at risk". The doctor explains that he has received «support and understanding from Fnomceo e Fimmg» the federations of doctors

An initiative for which he was attacked and accused of discrimination. the doctor he replies by explaining: «I have never kicked out any patient, nor have I ever refused to treat anyone, I would just like everyone to protect themselves with vaccination, especially those at risk ».


Related news: Mauro Passarini, who is the doctor arrested in Ravenna for fake vaccines and fake Green passes

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