In the near future, family doctors are destined to become a rarity, especially in the northern regions of Italy. The hypothesis, reported by Fimmg (Italian Federation of general practitioners), emerges from the data of the National Doctors' Insurance Agency (Enpam): in Lombardy, for example, it is estimated that 71 Lombard doctors will retire in 2013, 141 in 2015, 180 in 2016 and as many as 598 in 2021. "Compared with no more than 90 doctors who leave training schools every year," he underlines Florence Corti, regional secretary of Fimmg Lombardia. "There is a queue to be disposed of" he clarifies "in the ranking of doctors waiting to enter the agreement, but, once exhausted, we are available to welcome family doctors from the South, where there are more under-employed doctors, or to call professionals from abroad". The single role, envisaged by the Balduzzi decree, is a possible response to the expected shortage. «The single role identifies an all-round professionalism» explains Corti «who deals with primary care, which includes the relationship of trust with the patient who chooses his doctor, but who also responds to the clinical needs of the territory». The establishment of the single role, therefore, unites continuity of care doctors and family doctors: «The general practitioner and the on-call doctor» continues Corti «are until now separate figures and with difficulty in communicating. Now, on the other hand, they will have to have a single contractual reference at the regulatory level ». ! Such a figure, remember Giacomo Milillo, Fimmg national secretary, «should become operational with the new agreement which should be signed within 6 months of the decree with the Regions. Most likely the times will be a little longer, because now everything is at a standstill with the Regions. But at least, on their part, there is a willingness to think about the act of address".
January 22, 2013 – DoctorNews33
Health on offer, the doctor: we are not at the restaurant
Is healthcare similar to large-scale distribution? The danger was aired in an article that appeared in Repubblica which describes an increasingly widespread trend by private medical practices to retain patients through the membership system. What's more, the data from companies such as Groupon are increasingly striking. In 2012, the popular coupon site sold 300,000 coupons in the health area alone. On top of user preferences for dental treatments and fis! therapies, but cardiological, urological, ultrasound examinations and among the new offers are also individual, couple or family psychological and psychotherapeutic counseling sessions. A worrying trend? We asked <