Family doctors, strike revoked: the studios will remain open today. SNAMI: everything was already foreseen but we need to move forward

After a long meeting at the Ministry of Health, which ended late in the evening, the national strike proclaimed for today by the Federation of general practitioners (Fimmg) and by pediatricians of free choice was revoked.

In fact, medical unions and government representatives have signed an agreement with precise commitments to protect the figure of the family doctor and to guarantee the renewal of the category agreement with the National Health Service; precisely the non-renewal of the agreement was the reason behind the call for the strike. Satisfied the Minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin who, announcing the revocation of the protest in a tweet, wrote: «we make commitments and we respect them, thanks to everyone for your common sense. Patients first."

Nel pomeriggio, prima dell’incontro al ministero, le sigle promotrici dello sciopero (Fimmg, Fimp e Cipe) – e che rappresentano oltre il 70% dei medici di base e pediatri di libera scelta – avevano avvertito che una revoca della protesta sarebbe stata possibile solo a fronte di misure concrete. L’accordo sottoscritto con i rappresentanti del the government has therefore satisfied the doctors' request, as the Fimmg secretary points out, Giacomo Milillo: «abbiamo apprezzato – ha affermato – l’attenzione del governo ai problemi che abbiamo posto, pur nei limiti degli spazi che leggi e Costituzione rimettono allo stesso governo.

Nel merito – ha chiarito – ci sono state date assicurazioni sul rispetto dell’autonomia professionale del medico di famiglia e dei livelli retributivi. E soprattutto c’è l’impegno del governo a vigilare che vada avanti la trattativa per il rinnovo della convenzione». Importante, secondo Milillo, anche l’impegno a promuovere un tavolo di confronto «per ragionare su possibili miglioramenti».

Oggi, quindi, gli studi dei medici di famiglia e dei pediatri resteranno aperti, anche se potrebbero comunque verificarsi dei disagi localizzati: «gli studi saranno aperti – ha detto Milillo – compatibilmente però con la possibilità di riuscire ad informare tutti i medici sul territorio dell’avvenuta revoca dello sciopero». È «fondamentale – ha concluso il leader sindacale – che dal governo sia venuto un impegno forte a difesa della professionalità e del ruolo dei medici di famiglia».

Lunedì 18 Maggio 2015, 22:42 – Ultimo aggiornamento: 19 Maggio, 00:07 – il

Il testo dell’intesa

FIMMG: Guaranteed non-subordination, organizational autonomy, respect for the salary levels of doctors. Commitment for the correct execution of the negotiation, otherwise, after negotiation, decree of urgency. Review of trade union relations rules. Agreement signed by the government and the regions: strike revoked.

Letter from Milillo to the doctors:

Dear colleagues,
after a long discussion in which we were able to ascertain the concrete will of the representative of the Presidency of the Council Claudio De Vincenti and of the Undersecretary for Health Vito De Filippo, as well as of the President of the sector committee Claudio Montaldo, to address the knots of the negotiation as they we have long prospected, an agreement was signed between the parties whose characteristics we can summarize as follows:

– Il Governo e il Comitato di settore si impegnano a vigilare, indipendentemente dal testo dell’atto di indirizzo, che le trattative per il rinnovo dell’ACN confermino e rispettino il profilo giuridico libero professionale dei medici convenzionati, con esplicita esclusione di condizioni di subordinazione;

– Agli stessi viene garantito il mantenimento dell’autonomia organizzativa;

– Il Governo e il Comitato di Settore si sono impegnati a rispettare i contenuti economici dei medici e gli attuali livelli retributivi ed alla ricerca di meccanismi che sviluppino la capacità del lavoro di equipe nel rispetto del rapporto fiduciario.

To guarantee the above, the Government undertook to supervise the correct conduct of the negotiations and in the event of inaction, after negotiating with the trade union organizations and the regions, to apply the decree envisaged by Balduzzi.

The Government also undertakes a round table between the institutions (government and regions) and the trade union organizations to innovate and improve tools and procedures for trade union relations in the conventional area.

In the face of all this we decided, together with the other trade union organizations, to revoke the strike of May 19th. All the other information initiatives of the population prepared for the current month remain in place, in the spirit of coherence with the themes that we have developed with the citizens that this agreement aims to protect.

The immediate evaluation cannot fail to take into account the punctual response that was obtained in the face of the reservations we signaled on the negotiating and non-negotiating behavior of the Conference of the Regions and Sisac.

This makes us say that, despite the awareness that it is a commitment subject to verification of the facts, the mobilization of the category has obtained a level of listening and a correspondence with respect to the requests that only our determination and demonstrated unity have been able to allow .

As a result of all this, we are more than ever determined to operate with the same spirit, consistency and determination until a coherent Conventional Agreement is reached.

We thank all the colleagues who, with their consent to our initiatives, have made it possible to recondition the confrontation with the public sector in a positive sense, and we trust in a constant participation to complete a process that has now begun.

We have won a battle, but not the war yet.

the Italian Federation of Pediatricians REVOKE the strike of family pediatrics.

SNAMI. STRIKE: everything was already foreseen but we must go ahead

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