Even the professions at the center of the maneuver now close to launch after the go-ahead from the majority summit of ministers. In fact, all undue restrictions on the access and exercise of the professions will be abolished. A provision that has, however, spared, among others, pharmacists. Furthermore, we are moving towards the abolition of orders such as that of doctors and nurses. The draft also provides that, within four months of the entry into force of the maneuver, "individual professions can be excluded, in whole or in part, from the abolition of the restrictions" with a "decree of the President of the Council of Ministers, on the proposal of the Minister competent jointly with the Minister of the Economy". There is still space, that is, to keep some professional categories on the ropes and then bring the decision back with a decree. Access to the medical profession "has no restrictions of any kind, only a qualifying exam which must verify preparation": on the basis of these considerations, the president of the Medical Association Amedeo Bianco explained in an incredulous way that he considered it "indecipherable" the rule in the draft of the maneuver for which «the restrictions on access and exercise of professions, other than those of architect, engineer, lawyer, notary, pharmacist, road haulier, are repealed four months after the entry into force of this decree ».
Pharmacist33 – 30 June 2011
Medical orders, unfounded talk of abolition
"The abolition of medical orders is absolutely not the subject of this budget law: we do not apply any numerical or territorial restriction": thus Amedeo Bianco, president of the Federation of medical orders (Fnomceo) dismisses the interpretations of chapter 14 of the maneuver according to to which these norms would be an attempt to prepare the ground for the abolition of the orders. "The budget that the Council of Ministers is preparing to launch" he explains "contains more than one topic that closely affects the health of Italians, such as co-payments, which will be reintroduced on some specialist services, the price of drugs and regional spending ceilings ». Bianco tries to calm spirits by explaining that "the worries that are spreading in these hours do not seem plausible to us, also because we believe that no advanced country wants to imagine its future without a clear regulatory reference to the professional profiles that serve to guarantee the very foundations of civilized life the health and well-being of the population". Furthermore, the "undue restrictions on access and the exercise of the professions", contained in the draft of the manoeuvre, do not appear to "concern the very existence of the Order of Doctors" he continues "which has no restrictive function on access to the profession , but only for the control of the professional requirements foreseen by the order of doctors and dentists and the updating of the same. In any case, we will monitor carefully. Our energies are directed not to the defense of a corporation, but to the protection of the citizen's rights".
DoctorNews – June 30, 2011