Maneuver: health professions without a title? Done!

Physiotherapists, laboratory technicians, speech therapists: who has worked for at least 36 months «even non-continuous» over 10 years, you can continue, as long as you sign up by 31 December 2019 in the "special lists of medical radiology technicians, technical health professions, rehabilitation and prevention".

Physiotherapists, laboratory technicians, speech therapists: all professionals

The standard is obviously not liked by the trade associations. AIFI (the Italian association of physiotherapists) protested on his Facebook page where he posted appeals addressed to health minister Giulia Grillo: “The battle for the respect of the law and the protection of citizens' health is still open. Those who celebrate today may cry tomorrow because they do not realize that, in the folds of this poorly written ignominy, there could be a boomerang that will backfire on them". The amendment provides that "those who have carried out health professions without the possession of a qualifying and suitable qualification for enrollment in the professional register, for a minimum period of 36 months, even non-continuous, in the last 10 years, will be able to continue to carry out the professional activities envisaged from the profile of the health profession of reference provided that he is registered in the special lists established at the orders of health technicians of medical radiology and of the technical health professions, rehabilitation and prevention".

Minister Grillo yesterday released a statement that is interesting to analyze because it starts from a principle well known to M5S communication: the denial of the evidence even in the face of a fait accompli. A strategy that evidently takes hold since illustrated method for unfaithful spouses (“Deny, always deny, deny everything, also deny the obvious”) and which clearly works: «There is no openness to exercise without qualifications. Therefore, there is no equivalence with those registered in the registers. We need to spell this out clearly. The amendment is a balanced solution to overcome the worrying situation faced by around 20 thousand operators who, following of the approval of law 3 of 2018, although I have been operating in the health sector for several years, I am not in a position to enroll in a professional register. Who will be able to prove with adequate documentation, which will be delegated to a ministerial decree, that they have carried out an employee or self-employment activity for 36 months in the last ten years of continuing to carry out the activities envisaged by the profile of the healthcare profession of reference through the registration in an exhaustive list kept, for greater guarantee, by professional orders".

Maneuver: health professions without a title? Done!

AIFI promoted a mail bombing against the initiative which was ultimately useless. The 5 Star Movement he didn't want to hear any reason and continued on his way. Minister Grillo, returning from controversy over pandoro and panettone and from his dropouts in the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, he continued to deny the very existence of the amendment.

next – 24 dicembre 2018

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