(AGI) - Ascoli Piceno Oct. 20 – "I feel like a buffer between the government and doctors". As for the "cuts to health care, they no longer have to be made in a linear way. Everything can be done, but you also need to explain to people what you are doing and with what objectives". Thus the Minister of Health, Ferruccio Fazio, speaking this morning at the national medical congress of Sumai-Assoprof, underway in San Benedetto del Tronto (Ascoli Piceno). "For 2013, the 2.5 billion cut to the health system envisaged by the maneuver - said the minister - can be tolerated, divided between 1 billion for pharmaceuticals, 750 million for goods and services and 750 million for devices. But for 2014, the reduction of 5 billion must be tackled in a different way, and in fact we are thinking and will also discuss some proposals with the Regions.
These include an absorption of 830 million non-linear tickets, and a rationalization of health expenditure based on three criteria: wealth, exemptions with the introduction of the family quotient and appropriateness".
(AGI) Ap1/Mav