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Asl and hospital managers.

A national register of general managers of healthcare companies, to allow the Regions to choose 'certified' healthcare managers. This is the proposal of the trade union association of healthcare company directors (Asdas), a 'newborn' category formation, which today in Rome will hold its first national conference, dedicated to the "Accreditation of professionals under contract identity, role and functions of the management of the healthcare”, scheduled at Cnel. "We are asking for the establishment of national lists of general managers - explained Marino Nicolai, general secretary of Asdas - an idea that we believe is also of interest to the Minister of Health, judging by his statements on the matter". The national list would allow the Regions to choose their managers from a 'group' in which "the requisites are ascertained and certified by independent authorities, such as commissions of experts or similar". The requirements required by law, in fact “are quite generic. And so – explains the general secretary of Asdas – some Regions give restrictive interpretations, others broader. But the problem of management quality is a serious matter, and it would be useful to choose among certified professionals”. During tomorrow's meeting, the contractual problems of the general managers will also be discussed, both from a regulatory and an economic point of view. “We have a very meager employment contract – Nicolai points out – which says very little, in particular on the causes of termination. It does not provide for notices or end-of-office indemnities. A series of institutes which are normally all under private law contracts. It would therefore be necessary to review the regulatory part of the contract". Then there is the problem of economic treatment “because there has only been one update in 12 years, perhaps we should think about it”, concludes Nicolai.
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