M5S against Farmindustria on the transparency of the relationship between doctors and companies. “Frankly, we don't agree with the words pronounced by the president of Farmindustria Massimo Scarabozzi when, with regard to the new code of conduct adopted by Efpia, he speaks of a tool that is also useful for disavowing the 'prejudices' on relations between pharmaceutical companies and white coats.
Unfortunately, the opaque nature of these reports does not arise from urban legends, but is documented by facts for which we have asked theAnac“. This was stated by the M5S deputies in the Social Affairs Commission, commenting on the words of the president of Farminusteria on the new code of conduct approved by the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations.
The code provides for the publication by 30 June of all payments made to doctors by the drug industries. "We asked Doctor Cantone, president of Anac - explain the pentastellati deputies - for an opinion, with respect to which we are awaiting an answer, on how the 'Medicine Agency fulfills the tasks relating to the legal obligations envisaged for' conferences, congresses and other drug-related meetings'
February 25, 2016 – PharmaKronos
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In order to comply with the statutory provisions and the rules established by the European codes of conduct and international federations of the pharmaceutical industry (EFPIA and IFPMA), Farmindustria has elaborated a professional code of conduct in the form of a voluntary agreement entered into by the pharmaceutical companies belonging at Farmindustria. The Code aims to regulate relations not only between companies, but also their relations with the scientific and health sectors.
All companies associated with Farmindustria must accept and comply with the provisions of the Code of Professional Conduct. The following are excluded from the scope of application of this Code:
- Activities intended to disseminate non-promotional information, general information about the company (such as direct investor information or the press), including financial data and descriptions of research and development, provided that healthcare professionals are present in non-prevalent numbers .
- institutional events organized by pharmaceutical companies on issues that go beyond promotional information, which are of interest to a variety of individuals from all potentially affected areas, which are held in the right places and where healthcare professionals are present in quantity not prevalent.
The Code represents the sector's commitment not only to comply with the specific laws in force, but also to operate on the basis of transparent rules of conduct which regulate the various circumstances in which the company's activities take place.
The regulations that form the subject of the code of professional conduct have been drawn up in the general interest and to safeguard the prestige and honor of the pharmaceutical industry towards the state, the public opinion, the medical profession and health professionals in general .