
M5S Lazio, Region: ISF regulatory proposals accepted

The M5S in one communicated reports:

… omitted…

The home Emergency Department will obviously have to be grafted onto a well-structured network of assistance proximity. This is why in fact we have asked for checks on other topics to verify if and how the various USCAs are functioning in the area and how they intend to proceed to manage and dispose of the already overcrowded Waiting Lists.

Among other issues brought to the Commission, the reopening of the table with the unions, also including trade unions currently excluded, for remodulate the covid19 allowance from two to three brackets, adding respectively to that of 1,000 euros (for those who are most in contact with covid patients) and 600 euros (for those less exposed to the risk of contagion), also a third band of 300 euros for all other health professionals, excluded from the measure, but exposed to the same risk.

Our proposals have also been accepted on telemedicine for specialist doctors, on the regulation of the activity of scientific representatives, for which a special protocol will be made public shortly and the extension of serological tests also for the Local Police.

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