Lucia Aleotti (Menarini): if the price of drugs drops, the pharmaceutical sector risks default

Pharmaceutical industry, Aleotti denounces the risk of default

Pharmaceutical industry, Aleotti denounces the risk of default

il denaro – 18 maggio 2022

“We are losing competitiveness by leaps and bounds. We in Pharma industryInstead of working to protect the pharmaceutical industry, we keep hearing the usual mantras of 'lowering the price of medicines'.

Anything can be done, you have to be aware that so the industrial sector gets lost". He says it Lucia Aleotti, shareholder and member of the board of directors of the pharmaceutical group Menarini, at a conference in Florence. “Since the prices of medicines are fixed by law – explains Aleotti – companies cannot recover their losses by acting on consumers.

This is good for i patients. But on the other hand you have to realize that there is an industrial sector that is being crushed by a increase of costs".


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