Il Rapporto OsMed 2005, secondo uno standard di analisi ormai consolidato, fotografa la situazione a livello nazionale e regionale, consentendo confronti e valutazioni non solo in termini di spesa ma anche di intensità d’uso dei gruppi terapeutici e delle singole sostanze. In questa edizione, gli approfondimenti relativi ai consumi per classe terapeutica offrono spunti di riflessione importanti, avendo sviluppato ulteriormente il confronto con le evidenze scientifiche disponibili. Inoltre, l’ampliamento della parte relativa all’analisi dei profili di trattamento di alcune patologie rilevanti per la Medicina Generale offre la possibilità di affrontare più da vicino il tema dell’appropriatezza clinica.
Compared to the previous edition, the integration of OsMed information flows with those coming from the Pharmaceutical Prescription Monitoring Systems has been enhanced, some activated at a regional level, others at the level of the individual ASLs. This has made it possible to obtain information relating to the assisted population and to estimate for 2005 the prevalence of drug use in a much larger population than that analyzed in the previous report, going from a "sample" of 7 million assisted mainly from the central-northern area of the country, to over 26 million citizens distributed throughout the national territory.
“Aifa” – “23/06/2006”
Compared to the previous edition, the integration of OsMed information flows with those coming from the Pharmaceutical Prescription Monitoring Systems has been enhanced, some activated at a regional level, others at the level of the individual ASLs. This has made it possible to obtain information relating to the assisted population and to estimate for 2005 the prevalence of drug use in a much larger population than that analyzed in the previous report, going from a "sample" of 7 million assisted mainly from the central-northern area of the country, to over 26 million citizens distributed throughout the national territory.
“Aifa” – “23/06/2006”