Date: 19/10/2012
Milan, 19 October 2012
"Today from Lundbeck Italia we did not get any concrete answers".
This was stated by the regional secretary of Ugl Chimici Lombardia, Fabrizio Rigoldi, explaining how "on the requests we made in the last meeting, concerning the reduction in the number of redundancies, the granting of extraordinary layoffs, the redeployment of personnel to third-party companies and redundancy incentives, the company has reserved the right to discuss it with the parent company and then reconvene a new meeting with the trade union organizations on 14 November”.
"In the meantime - adds the trade unionist - we will start the assemblies with the workers, the first on November 6 with the employees of Milan and with the scientific representatives of the North, the second on the 7th with the scientific representatives of the Center and South, to listen to their needs and deciding which initiatives to put in place in the event that we do not have adequate answers from the company”.
UGL Chemicals
Ed.: we report the following article from last July: