Record increase for Molmed, the biopharmaceutical spin off of the San Raffaele Hospital led by Claudio Bordignon. The company listed on the Stock Exchange since the spring of 2008 has today obtained from the US federal authority for drugs (the Food and Drug Administration, FDA) the authorization to start the third phase clinical trial for the drug Tk. It is a cell therapy developed by the Milanese laboratory for the treatment of high-risk leukemia. The green light from the stars and stripes authority will therefore allow Molmed to test the drug also on selected patients in clinical centers in the United States.
In one fell swoop, the American authorization made purchases of the stock soar, which closed the session at 0.43 euro with a rise of 14.17%: in today's session, moreover, three million shares changed hands, three times the daily average of the last 12 months of around one million titles. However, the numbers could have been even more substantial: from 11 in the morning until late afternoon the stock was in a volatility auction with a theoretical rise above 18%. The requests of the investors, also thanks to the day of celebration, have, in fact, prevented Molmed from making a price for a long time.
Today's is the second authorization for the third clinical phase for a drug in the United States for Bordignon's group. In May of last year, the green light had already arrived for Ngr-Htnf, a biopharmaceutical
anticancer drug for the treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma, a disease linked to asbestos exposure. (January 06, 2011