
Lodi, the pharmacist gives her a different drug than the one prescribed: a 75-year-old died

A 75-year-old woman living in the Lodi area, Maria Rosa Gargantini, died Tuesday night after an alleged allergic reaction to an asthma drug. The medicine had been suggested to her by the pharmacist to replace the one prescribed to the woman by the doctor.

8 OCTOBER 2015 – Milan

PMaria Rosa GargantiniIt could have been a different drug than usual that caused the death of Maria Rosa Gargantini, a 75-year-old from the Lodi area who died in the night between Tuesday and Wednesday. The Lodi prosecutor's office is now investigating his case, reported by Corsera, after a complaint from his family. The magistrates ordered an autopsy on the 75-year-old's body to understand the circumstances of her death, which apparently arrived after an alleged anaphylactic shock following the intake of an asthma drug other than the one prescribed by her doctor.

75-year-old woman dies of anaphylactic shock: an investigation is opened

The pharmacist to whom the woman turned did not have the medicine indicated by the doctor available. After being offered an equivalent generic product, which the lady refused, he suggested another drug. Immediately after the injection of the other medicine, however, according to family members, the woman began to show symptoms of a strong allergic reaction. Admitted to the Maggiore hospital in Lodi, the woman did not make it. On Wednesday morning, the family members informed the Carabinieri of Codogno of the affair, who launched the investigation.

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Related news: He changes his asthma drug and dies: an autopsy is ordered (CORRIERE DELLA SERA)

Patient who died due to a substituted drug, with anamnesis on the health card plus the chance of salvation (Doctor33)

Patient dies after replacement in pharmacy. Cini: the pharmacist cannot change the active ingredient (Pharmacist33)

The responsibility of the pharmacist in substituting the prescribed drug

Law n. 135/2012 (art.15)

Ministry of Health Opinion 04/24/2015

Ministry of Health circular on the question of substitutability posed by Federanziani

Fimmg Bari. Generic drugs: it is played on the skin of patients

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