Pensions don't touch each other. And neither is article 8 of the August maneuver, the one that allows for company bargaining to circumvent article 18 of the Workers' Statute, a bulwark against dismissals without just cause. More than the League – which in any case has a nose for where the wind is blowing – it is the Sacconi-Bonanni-Angeletti axis that prevents any intervention on the double front. There is an iron pact between the Minister of Labor and the "government trade unions". A very clear exchange: the minister undertook to hinder any intervention on the pension front (Sacconi left some openings only on the side of survivor's pensions, not surprisingly also left unguarded by the Carroccio) but asked the two leaders of Cisl and Uil to defend article 8, minimizing its scope, leaving only the CGIL (which in fact proclaimed a general strike) to protest.
Bonanni and Angeletti respected the pact and Sacconi went on the attack without hesitation. He accused Emma Marcegaglia (president of Confindustria) of having betrayed the unitary spirit between the social partners with the proposal to go beyond old-age pensions; he asked, and obtained, for the thesis of the director general of Confindustria Giampaolo Galli, supported in the parliamentary hearing, on a hypothetical "non-coherence" of article 8 with the agreement of 28 June signed by all the unions, including the CGIL, to be rectified. Finally, he indirectly took it out on Tremonti, guilty - according to the report of the secretary of the Democratic Party, Pier Luigi Bersani, at the end of a meeting with the owner of the Economy - of not being against a modification of article 8.
So while the Tremonti star no longer shines as it once did on the Po valley, Sacconi has built his instrumental alliance with the Carroccio. Then - thanks to the pact with Bonanni and Angeletti - he can "make money" on the divisions in Pd 2 in relation to the strike called by the CGIL. Unexpected side effects that appeal to Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
(August 27, 2011)
Article 8
Support for neighborhood collective bargaining
1. Collective labor agreements signed at company or local level by workers' associations comparatively more representative on the na level