Teva, workers in the garrison block the Sempione: "In Nerviano we make life-saving drugs, don't close"
Workers in front of the Teva di Nerviano, from where they blocked the Sempione at times, to ask the company for a reorganization
legnanonews – 25 February 2022
Placards, flags, whistles, trumpets, even a siren: a few days before the meeting scheduled for the next week in the Lombardy Region, on Friday 25 February, the workers of Teva di Nerviano crossed their arms again going down to the garrison in front of the factory in via Pasteur to ask theagency, which in April of last year announced the site closure, a restructuring that takes into account the current structure of the plant. In fact, since last spring the branch has "lost" about sixty workers who have opted for alternative solutions given the condition of uncertainty of the Nerviano complex.
About a hundred employees took part in the garrison, about a third of the 300 currently employed at the Teva branch in Nerviano of the pharmaceutical multinational, which on several occasions they blocked the Sempione, as they had already done in May of last yearto make your voice heard. However, participation in the strike was higher and it involved according to the unions between 60 and 70% of the workforce.
«Already in a first meeting in the Lombardy Region the workers and the whole union they had expressed concerns not so much on the future of the sale (the property has announced that there are ongoing negotiations and there would be two binding offers, ed), which as we know requires a dose of confidentiality and must be managed carefully, but for the spills that occurred in the plant and affected about 60 people who held various functions – explained Francesco Restieri of FILCTEM CGIL -. In that day the company had been told the need to to restructure on the basis of the forces at play today and do not continue with shift changes and in any case with attitudes of disorganization that lead to a malaise of the workers already very stressed and anxious about their future which still remains uncertain today. The concern today resulted in a protest action with a strike, but the agitation will continue in the next few days untilmeeting of 2 March in the Region, where we hope there will be the developments that we all hope for ».
The mayor of Nerviano also took part in the demonstration in front of the Teva to bring the closeness of the administration to the workers in general and to those of the territory in particular. «As a municipal administration we are following the story – underlined the first citizen -. I myself participated in the working table in the Lombardy Region in December, which was followed by a remote update about 20 days ago, and on March 2 there will be another appointment in the Region to see how the company crisis situation is evolving. The situation of uncertainty exacerbates the sense of precariousness of the workers, as is absolutely understandable, and obviously we hope for a quick solution: we hope that the offers that seem to have reached the company at this moment can somehow materialize in an effective and effective industrial plan for workers and for the companythat in the medical field we think has a future in any case".
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