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On MilanoToday I read the reply from the pharmaceutical company Sanofi Italia, concerning the collective redundancy procedure it opened on 12 September, initiated against 84 Pharmaceutical Representatives. Such number was reduced to 75 after the first meeting with the workers' representatives, with an almost suspicious speed (they were plentiful at the beginning, to show that they were meeting us in our requests?…), without detracting from the negotiating capacity of the RSUs.
Facilitating the exit of those who, within a certain number of months, will be able to reach retirement age would certainly be a valid proposal, if this solution were able to cover the total number of redundancies declared. Unfortunately, the reality is different, in fact the number of colleagues who would fall under this option is really small.
The second point highlighted by Sanofi Italia, equally apparently valid, is the criterion of voluntariness.
Third point, to favor this choice, more correctly defined as "non-opposition to dismissal", Sanofi declares that it is making available, precisely for volunteers, a gross sum of around 200,000 euros.
It is certainly an important figure but, in reality, the prerogative of a few workers around 60 years of age.
These colleagues, aged 58/60, however see their retirement goal at around 68, according to the rules in force today, and will consequently have to face ten years of unemployment, because in our sector, where even the most young boys, recently graduated, now only enter with precarious and underpaid contracts, for a sixty year old there is no place anywhere.
They will face ten years of unemployment, often with dependent family and often with a spouse who has also lost their job. This money, which in an absolute sense may even seem excessive, tax-free and with the prospect of never returning to the world of work, does not they manage in no way to convince to voluntarily give up their work.
Furthermore, if in the "rich North West" any possibility of finding any job that allows you to pay contributions seems a little less impossible (if you really want to be optimistic), in the rest of the country it's a chimera.
I mentioned the contributions: each of us can easily imagine what it means to no longer pay contributions for 10 years. As an elderly person, I won't even be entitled to a decent pension.
No one said what will happen if, given the above, there are not 75 volunteers.
In all of this it should be noted that: Sanofi is a company in excellent physical condition, which recorded an increase in net sales (as you communicated) to 9.39 billion euros in the third quarter of this year, which Sanofi Italia it is in such good health and with such certain prospects for growth that it has taken on several new hires in the scientific information sector in the last year.
He took over, at the same time he planned 75 job-related layoffs.
If generational turnover (as if 55-year-olds were dumbs not able to keep up with the change) is actually Sanofi's goal then, as a company attentive, as it itself claims, to assessments of a social nature, instead of dumping women and men, moreover perfectly able to work and with a great desire to continue to be an active part of society, on the shoulders of the community, take charge of a real pension accompaniment, which includes a salary, even reduced by a certain percentage and the payment of contributions.
Gossip is zero.
Francesca Boni
Company reply
Sanofi Italia defends itself and, in a note, speaks of the need to start "a mobility procedure in the business areas that promote and support mature products and products in the diabetes and cardiovascular area". Two sectors where the entry of biosimilars and the lowering of prices has had the greatest impact.
"A constructive dialogue is underway with the trade union organizations which has already led to the reduction of the number of redundancies from 84 to 75", continues Sanofi, explaining that, "to reduce the social impact of the plan, it intends to favor the exit people closest to retirement, include the voluntary criterion and support the colleagues involved with a significant sum that averages around 200,000 euros". (from Milan Today – 9 November 2018)
The redundant workers will be distributed evenly throughout Italy, with the exception of Emilia-Romagna where the number of redundant FSIs will be higher due to regional and local rules and regulations which prevent them from working.
Related news: Sanofi: 84 layoffs. Presidium on November 12 in front of Assolombarda in Milan and the Ministry of Health in Rome