Da una parte i titolari, contrari a qualsiasi intervento dall’altra parafarmacie e corner della Gdo convinti che un intervento sia necessario. Atteso il Cdm decisivo.
Marco Malagutti – Mercoledì, 04 Febbraio 2015 – Farmacista33
Gli interventi contenuti nell’istruttoria tecnica, da mesi in elaborazione al ministero, e a suo tempo anticipati da Farmacista33, riguardano sia il superamento del contingentamento del numero di farmacie presenti sul territorio nazionale, sia l’eliminazione del
Contenuti e indiscrezioni che hanno inevitabilmente dato il via alle reazioni con da una parte i titolari, contrari a qualsiasi intervento legato al numero di farmacie o alla possibilità di estendere la vendita dei farmaci di fascia C al di fuori delle farmacie e dall’altra parafarmacie e corner della Gdo convinti che un intervento sia necessario e che l’attuale sistema di distribuzione del farmaco sia altamente discriminante per la categoria.
In mezzo il ministero dello Sviluppo economico, a sua volta diviso, almeno nelle dichiarazioni, tra chi tira il freno e chi crede che un aumento della concorrenza sia necessario anche nel settore delle farmacie. Ora l’intervento del ministero della Salute, che chiede di non essere escluso dalle decisioni che riguardano le farmacie e che esprime un parere negativo sul pacchetto liberalizzazioni. Il Consiglio dei ministri decisivo si avvicina, nell’attesa altri colpi di scena non sono da escludere.
Medicines and pharmacies, here are all the reactions to Renzi's liberalizations in the pipeline
04 – 02 – 2015 – Alma Pantaleo – Formiche
The National Federation of Italian Pharmacy Owners, Fedefarma, would have initiated a confrontation with the government. In a note published a fortnight ago on the site, it is explained that «The Minister of DevelopmentFederica Guidi, in the meeting with a delegation of Fedefarma established by the president, Annarosa Raccaby the national secretary Alfonso Misasiand by the president of the Sunifar, Alfredo Orlandi on the competition bill, it will take due account of the voice and considerations of the local pharmacies". We read further: «During the meeting, the representatives of the union reviewed the numbers of the sector and the effects of the liberalizations already launched by Bersani before and Mountains After. Then they focused on the proposals contained in the Antitrust Report of last July, expressing the support of Fedefarma to those on generics and the remuneration of pharmacies". The first statements on the topic by the president are then reported Racca: «The meeting lasted just under an hour and took place in a cordial atmosphere. We are satisfied with the Minister's commitment to agreeing with the parties on the measures that will find a place in the bill».
The same, a few days before the institutional meeting, had defined «absurd and clearly instrumental to insist on the request for deregulation of the pharmaceutical sector after both the European Court of Justice that the Italian Constitutional Court they reaffirmed the full legitimacy and effectiveness of the rules that regulate the activity of pharmacies, with a view to guaranteeing citizens and collective health".
One of the most delicate and controversial chapters of the bill concerns the parapharmacies. With regard to urgent interventions in the field of drug distribution, the bill adds that commercial businesses can sell drugs to the public belonging to the so-called band "c" and that therefore they are not "essential drugs and for chronic diseases" or "of significant therapeutic interest". The bill also provides for an alternative option, according to which commercial establishments can sell drugs in category "c", limited to the equivalent preparations indicated in the lists drawn up by theItalian drug agency.
"It is a pity that to date, or after about three years from that provision, not even one of the feared 5,000 new pharmacies has opened its doors and if the bankruptcy procedure is ever completed, it will be a real "miracle" if they can open a number of pharmacies that will correspond to an increase in establishments of just 5%", reads the note from mnlf, which underlines how the sector has suffered less from the crisis than the others. "The priority for the country is the creation of new jobs and when there are not enough funds to make investments, it is necessary to stimulate growth by removing the obstacles placed in defense of few and limited interests", he concludes.
Gullotta he explains that those presented would be "pseudo-liberalisations thanks to which parapharmacies would have had concrete possibilities to compete and develop: galenic preparations and the sale of veterinary drugs in the national context do not reach the 7% of the entire Italian pharmaceutical market". And he asks provocatively Vicars: «In your opinion, would this have been the great opportunity to be exploited, kind gentleman?».
Andrea Mandelli, president of the Federation of Orders of Pharmacists (Fofi), in a note released by the organization after the "recent comments on the extraordinary competition for the assignment of new pharmaceutical offices" he explained that in a contracting market "it is not the increase in operators due to the opening of new pharmaceutical offices, which will give an answer in terms of employment, but rather bring the figure of the professional who works in the community pharmacy and his professional services to the fore, to be recognized and remunerated". Fofi he specifies how the bankruptcy procedures have been completed in all the regions and how "the provincial Orders have given their maximum collaboration so that the procedures could be completed as quickly as possible, making their databases and documentation available".
On the site of Fedefarmameanwhile, the opinions of economists opposed to liberalization are being published. Among which Fabrizio Gianfrate, teacher of Health economics atUniversity of Ferrara, which sees "in the hypothetical liberalization of organic plan and band C more problems than advantages". "As economic doctrine teaches," he explains Gianfrate «the increase in points of sale and competition should have beneficial effects on the quality level of the service and on prices». But for the economist not in the case of the drug. This is because the demand for medicines is inelastic, so if the number of points of sale were increased, the market would do nothing but redistribute itself over a greater number of operators, resulting in lower average unit revenues, "already reduced by the trend of the market itself, deflationary in revenues but inflationary in costs".
Gianfrate also expresses doubts on the beneficial effects that excessive competition would have on prices and gives the example of the OTC experience: Bersani they reduced the price lists of the 12%-15% on average, but then the trend stopped. This is because there is a limit below which one cannot go down «dictated by the level of ex-factory prices of the producers and by the absence of economically strong intermediate subjects such as large-scale consumer buying groups, capable of negotiating large volumes and therefore greatly reduced prices».
For Gianfrate many pharmacies, already suffering for several years, with these liberalizations would in fact be forced "to revise their income statement downwards again". While the weakest pharmacies "would be forced to close, with the risk of also penalizing the supply of NHS medicines, in contrast to the principle on which the Organic Plant is based, created to guarantee the economic profile of the pharmacy so that it can ensure its "health" function in the appropriate way".
Related news: Pharmacies, liberalizations between miraculous recipes and market stability (The sun 24 hours)
Pharmacy liberalisations, Lorenzin against Guidi: «The system would die, I will defend it» (The sun 24 hours)