Historical Archive

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. It's not the voice that rules history: it's the ears

It is not the voice that commands History:

it's the ears


After a few years I re-read an interview, I think from 2008, with Pierre Carniti (attached) who states :


in 1979 Guido Carli showed me a piece of paper which highlighted that the share of income destined for wages had risen more than that destined for profits, demanding a rebalancing …….. Today the share of wages has lost 10 points in favor of profits”.

The statement fits perfectly with what was photographed by the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) Report.

According to the research (attached graph) from 1983 to 2005 company profits grew from 23 to 31% of GDP, eight points more, these eight points are worth 120 billion euros today.


The growth in company profits has produced a dramatic decrease in wages for employees and according to the calculations of the BRI study, the figure subtracted from wages would amount to 5,200.00/7,000.00 euros per year for each individual worker.


Over the last quarter of a century, the erosion of workers' wages has been constant.



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