The goal of new generation drugs is to be able to act on as many forms of epilepsy as possible and at the same time reduce side effects. The therapies are very long and must not be interrupted. But recently the patent of the pharmaceutical manufacturers of two widely used antiepileptic drugs, Levetiracetam and Topiramate, has expired and Aifa (Italian Medicines Agency) has included them in the so-called "transparency lists", which allow given the generic consideration. But all the scientific works, the international and national guidelines published by the Lice recommend not replacing an original drug with a generic, nor a generic with another generic. “The bioavailability of the different generics – explains Laura Tassi – may not correspond to the original drug and put patients at risk. The difference between the generic and the branded drug was paid by the patient and went up to a hundred euros. Finally, however, the pharmaceutical companies have agreed to the reduction of the price, which at the moment is a few euros more than the generic one". All the associations have mobilized in this battle, including the Lice, the Fie (Italian Epilepsy Federation) and the Aice (Italian Association Against Epilepsy). Good news, then, but still no really major innovations in medicines. “New drugs and new investigation techniques are about to come onto the market, both from a genetic and diagnostic point of view, but nothing striking” concludes the neurologist.
March 11, 2013 – Monica Coviello