Letter from Federal President Carinci



Federation of Italian Associations of Pharmaceutical Representatives

egr. Dr. Matteo Renzi


President of the Council of Ministers


Palazzo Chigi




Rome, February 28, 2014




L’intervento del dr. Hausermann preoccupato della spesa farmaceutica sostenuta dal popolo italiano è quanto meno sospetto.


If the dr. Hausermann did not hold the prestigious office of president of Assogenerici we could accept his reflections aloud, like the fervor of an important man rightly concerned with the community, in difficult times for everyone.


His office, however, and what he represents cannot make him credible and disinterested.


Dr. Hausermann always seems very far from a principle which, in our country is a basic and irreplaceable cornerstone of a consolidated democracy and that is that the individual has the faculty and freedom to choose, in a broad sense, his own economic destiny.

Soprattutto quando, all’interno del concetto, è in gioco il diritto alla salute.


And he certainly doesn't like that someone, not expressly authorized, even if authoritative, has to do the math in his pocket.


For a long time, a media campaign has been mounted aimed at giving two fundamental explanations to the Italians:


1) Generic drugs are the same as the original drugs.


2) Generic drugs allow savings for the State, the Regions, the Local Health Authorities.


Alcune regioni hanno dato vita ad accordi, con i medici, tesi al risparmio pro generici, con l’adesione ad una forma di obiettivi, che – se centrati – avrebbero potuto regalare vantaggi a tutti. C’è da augurarsi, che – in questi vantaggi – non siano compresi anche premi in denaro per medici e manager delle ASL.


Because if that were the case, the vaunted savings would have taken on the consistency of a round game.

We are convinced that the new Prime Minister, through his institutional offices, also wants to hear the opinion of scientific informants, the only ones to have feedback from the territory of great potential and in absolutely real times.


Sia con migliaia di visite ai medici ogni giorno, sia con l’ascolto di migliaia di pazienti in ogni paese d’Italia, sia con le risposte delle farmacie puntualmente visitate.


President Renzi, for once, even before listening to Farmindustria and Assogenerici, the Commissions should also hear our opinion.


Una precisa legge, da anni, impone, che l’informatore scientifico non debba dipendere dalle Direzioni Marketing e Vendite e puntualmente le aziende farmaceutiche disattendono le leggi dello Stato.


Perhaps the need is emerging to report violations of the law to the public prosecutors, where existing and repeated, to restore the sense of law and dignity


Fabio Carinci


National President Fedaiisf


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