Pharmaceutical legislation has always been an integral part of university teaching. This is an evolving matter, which must be constantly updated to new national laws and also to European regulations. Students - but also pharmacists working behind the counter - are required to know this large set of rules that govern medicines in all aspects, from research to dispensing to the public. This volume is the result of careful work and is useful both for students, future colleagues, and as support for pharmacists who need an easy and quick answer to the countless questions that the professional practice poses on a daily basis. A practical guide, which addresses topics such as the health organization of our country, the wholesale distribution of medicines, labeling and advertising, but also pharmaceutical law and the professional liability of the pharmacist. M. Cini – P. Rampinelli Compendium of pharmaceutical legislation Edizioni Minerva Medica, Turin -15 euro FarmaMese of 21/02/2008 N. 2 FEBRUARY 2008