Historical Archive

The roaming toxins of the pharmaceutical

Dear colleagues, in the past I had focused on what was happening in a company in the rising sun with two different speeches entitled "Pharmaceutical toxins" and "strange voices in a company in the rising sun".

In the first article which is dated 07 April 2010, with extraordinary predictive ability, I had collected some ideas from a company magazine, which accidentally came to my hands at the home of a colleague.

Well, in this magazine, if I remember correctly, the most prominent figure in the company (the Chief Executive Officer, so to speak) spoke among other topics of the need within an organism such as a company to get rid of the "toxins" present. Well, just in these days I learned from this friend and colleague that precisely that prominent figure, who spoke of the need to get rid of the "toxins" present, decided, I don't know whether "push" or autonomously, to cease his activity in that company.

So I was wondering and it still seems very timely to ask myself whether:


“So, since it is very questionable to determine what a "toxin" is, isn't it by chance that those who consider themselves immune from this definition are themselves what they are looking for in others?

That the organism or parts of it are healthy and that the real problem is him?

Ever asked these questions? Ever thought that?

It's about time we started doing that. For the rest, time will better define how things really are."  


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