Dear colleagues, I have read with great attention the two letters from my colleague Panti published on the Internet, relating to what is happening in our sector, clearly angled according to one's corporate vision.
I don't think it is necessary to further explore certain issues, but what has been described brings to mind what I have recently read in one of those internal company magazines that arrived at a colleague's house, where on a rich and glossy paper, it tells of the best possible world corporate by hiding the flaws under the carpet, hoping that these escape the inattentive eye of an occasional visitor.
Well, in this magazine, if I remember correctly, the most prominent figure in the company (the Chief Executive Officer, so to speak) spoke among other topics of the need within an organism such as a company to get rid of the "toxins" present.
Now, not being endowed with paranormal powers, I must assume that this colorful terminology is a method to indicate those people or rather workers included in the structure and deemed useless or no longer suited to business needs.
As a discourse it seems to me very questionable and questionable both in its essence and in its practical application. How do you define a worker in practice "toxin"? Is there a specific manual with specific characteristics that defines it or is it the result of your own analysis, perhaps even fallacious?
Given the characteristics of our readers, many of us understand very well what a toxin is. This is defined as any substance produced by the organism which produces a negative effect on it. In many cases it is the organism itself, causing the accumulation of benign substances to cause them to become toxins.
And then, since it is very questionable to determine what a "toxin" is, isn't it by chance that whoever considers himself immune from this definition is himself what he is looking for in others?
That the organism or parts of it are healthy and that the real problem is him? Ever asked these questions? Ever thought that? It's about time we started doing that.
For the rest, time will better define how things really are.
One thing is certain. An unprepared and arrogant management is effectively massacring the pharmaceutical sector. No company "stands out", indeed there is always a greater flattening of these structures and ever greater improvisation.
Be careful guys not to become a "toxin"
Umberto Alderisi