After a long absence from the web, today I find myself writing some reflections on a topic that has already been partly explored by my colleague Alderisi in his article entitled "Beware of false mobility, compliant trade unions and unprepared RSUs" published on the web. In particular several colleagues of a well-known multinational based in Milan informed me of a strange method of managing relations between the union union, the company and local trade unionists. This led me to make a parallelism with the identical method applied in the management of RSU + Company + territorial trade unionists in the former Marvecs.
I'm going to the point. This well-known multinational, for some time now, has been using to deal with every union topic (even the most trivial, such as, for example, holiday planning) directly with the territorial trade unionists of Milan, rather than with the RSU. To do this, and taking care to save appearances, he had the meetings convened directly by the industrial association of Milan (Assolombarda) which invited only trade unionists to participate. However, this method excludes from the comparison the only owner entitled to discuss with the company or the RSU. In fact, the legitimacy of the voted representation is stolen from the workers, making those who should be substitutes of which the workers themselves have great distrust rise to the role of owners, considering the havoc they are causing in our sector. Furthermore, it would seem, according to what was reported by colleagues in the area, that the RSU in this multinational company does not enjoy great credit among the workers. For the sake of information, I must specify that in practice the convening of trade union meetings at the headquarters of the industrial association is used only in exceptional cases, for example when requesting CIGS, mobility, branch transfers or when it is not possible to find solutions in the disputes between company and MSW.
I had the opportunity to view the convocation document (which I also submit for your viewing - Editor's note: click on the link below) where it is clear that some items on the agenda are matters more pertinent to a trade union union union rather than a trade unionist (they seem to me mostly 2nd level negotiation issues which generally in all companies are delegated to the union trade unions, such as the Participation bonus, company closings for the current year, etc.). So why are they treated by local trade unionists in this multinational?
Then one point, among those that will be dealt with and present in the agenda of the convocation, struck me even more: the one relating to Security. Strange that on this subject someone has decided to deal with the territorial union. As far as I know, it seems to me that security should be enforced by law and is something that should be discussed with the Security Representatives. All of the above raises two questions:
– the RSU is completely at the mercy of the company + territorial trade unionists of Milan, or it is