Inhomogeneity of the quality of the health service to citizens on the national territory, public-private relationships and new rules for accreditation and tenders, finally innovation of health structures. These are the three urgent challenges for Italian healthcare, according to Health Minister Livia Turco, who this morning in Rome commented on the data of the Nas carabinieri investigation on a sample of 321 hospitals in the peninsula. “From the data collected – explains Turco – there is clearly a lack of homogeneity between North and South in the offer of services to citizens. Also for this - he specifies - we have supported some Regions in difficulty such as Campania, Calabria, Sicily and Lazio. Not only to help them repay the debt of their regional healthcare, but also to improve the quality of the entire healthcare system".
The second node, according to the minister, is represented by the "relationship between public and private, and by the rules for the accreditation of the structures, which must also concern contracts and outsourcing". Turco has a clear opinion on the latter practice: "In the light of the data in our possession, those who claimed they were synonymous with efficiency must repent." But what interests the minister a lot is the third crucial point for the Italian health government, namely “the innovation of health structures. It is necessary - he explains - to draw up a pact between responsible people, and everyone must do their part. A cultural turning point is needed”, invokes Turco who states that “in the past 5 years of centre-right government, the hospital network has been modernized only through the essential levels of assistance”.
The second node, according to the minister, is represented by the "relationship between public and private, and by the rules for the accreditation of the structures, which must also concern contracts and outsourcing". Turco has a clear opinion on the latter practice: "In the light of the data in our possession, those who claimed they were synonymous with efficiency must repent." But what interests the minister a lot is the third crucial point for the Italian health government, namely “the innovation of health structures. It is necessary - he explains - to draw up a pact between responsible people, and everyone must do their part. A cultural turning point is needed”, invokes Turco who states that “in the past 5 years of centre-right government, the hospital network has been modernized only through the essential levels of assistance”.
“Now, however – he continues – it is time to consider healthcare as an investment, even a structural one. It is no coincidence that the modernization of hospital structures was included for the first time in the structural funds for investments destined for development”. For Turco, therefore, the health facilities of our country represent a very important asset, "like the highways".
From “doctornews”