In the analysis of 25 January on the health deficits of the Regions in the first 9 months of 2011, he photographs a non-homogeneous National Health System, alongside the virtuous companies that tend to balance the budget such as Lombardy, Veneto, Tuscany, Emilia Romagna and the Marches, are in red and the taken with the balance sheet 8 Regions. Despite the measures introduced, turnover is blocked and a stop to uncontrolled hiring, centralization of calls for tenders for the purchase of goods and services and the cutting of beds not compensated by other forms of assistance, in September 2011 they were still in deficit: Lazio (1.139 billion euros), Puglia (420 million euros), Campania (696 million), Abruzzo (62.9 million), Molise (49.3 million) Piedmont (60 million) and Sicily (56 million). Calabria is grappling with a 260 million maneuver for which the amount of the deficit is not known.
(Corriere della Sera Pag.11 – 27/02/2012)