By Andrew Izzo – April 9, 2014
Have you ever wondered why some doctors insist on prescribing some certain medicines rather than others? Le Iene Show thought about giving a possible answer to this question which, after receiving a report from a representative of a pharmaceutical company, decided to investigate the matter in detail in tonight's episode, Wednesday 9 April.
Nadia Toffa created the service even if the shooting was almost entirely done by this informant who showed how a doctor is bribed and how to act to get his medicine sold. All obviously to the detriment of the state and above all the citizen who often found himself, without his knowledge, taking a drug that was perhaps not very suitable for his real need.
But what do doctors gain by selling a certain "piece", a term used in the sector to indicate the drug? In their pockets there are cash (1.50 euros for each piece prescribed and sold), or petrol coupons, telephone top-ups or even congresses which turn out to be pleasant trips. Obviously the latter are available to the most "good" at prescribing: in fact a trip, perhaps also accompanied by a wife, is worth about two thousand prescriptions.
Doctors corrupted by pharmaceutical companies
"Le Iene" show how some doctors allow themselves to be corrupted by pharmaceutical companies which, by giving away money, petrol coupons and dream trips, push them to prescribe certain drugs.