It is certainly unusual to still hear talk of feuds in 2010, but evidently the pharmaceutical environment that has always accustomed us to a thousand oddities is still pervaded by this old way of taking justice into its own hands.
Years have passed, but evidently not for everyone. Let's see together what a feud is.
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Feud (old High German fehida, modern German Fehde) meant the possibility, for a private individual, to obtain satisfaction for the infringement of one's right by resorting to the use of force.
According to the law of the ancient Germans, the protection of the law belonged in the first place to the individual, his family and his clan, and only in case of necessity to the State, or rather to the entire people or its leaders and representatives. The injured party had the right to take revenge, and to start a feud with his own hand, so as to force those who had caused him damage to atone for their guilt. For this reason, in the Germanic tradition, the feud represented an authentic legal institution.
The substantial difference compared to today's legal systems is that recourse to a procedural type procedure was optional and an alternative to the possibility of autonomously protecting one's right, also making use of force. Use of force which in this case was considered fully legitimate – unlike modern law, in which there is the figure of the crime of reason.
After this erudite information, one might wonder what all this explanation is for?
Well, somewhere in the pharmaceutical sector, even today there are arrogant "gentlemen" who, pompous with their power, despite having legally touched on more than one occasion that what they did and thought was wrong, continue as if nothing were in their way. The fact that one or more employees have "dared" to turn to the judiciary is hateful and offensive for these characters and here is where the various bosses are activated, who with more or less strong pressure (see creeping mobbing) induce and trigger harassment and further harassment against these courageous colleagues.
It is the law of the strongest someone can think. Mistake !!!
History teaches that little David was able to bring down the giant Goliath. Pay attention these gentlemen, their time will come, after all, life is a wheel that turns for everyone. Today for me, tomorrow for you.
Leander Clean