Dear colleagues, today many of us are returning to work after the summer holidays.
This year has seen a great deal of upheaval hitting our sector, which has already been severely tested in previous years and in any case the latest events of these days cast a menacing shadow over the future of our sector. Clearly the trade union signatories of the contract are in difficulty in all sectors. The alleged union unity of the 70s is dead and buried and years of union and contractual struggles are also sinking with it.
What is happening in Pomigliano is a very bad alarm bell. Companies in all sectors have decided not to recognize the past and the agreements reached between the parties. Equally obvious is the will to circumvent and interpret the laws present for one's own use and consumption, attempting and in some cases even succeeding in making useless the work of the judiciary that seeks to bring justice to what is happening.
These are the signs of a dangerous cultural and industrial decay that is affecting the working and social fabric of our culture. They are the harbingers of the fall of a free-market economic empire that is beginning to show glaring cracks.
What has been happening in our sector in recent days is also aberrant. The letter sent at the end of July by the Triple Alliance on what is happening in our sector to the various ministerial structures is truly astonishing.
But these gentlemen who now say so: "the writers Trade Unions intend to represent the state of difficulty in which the entire pharmaceutical sector of our country finds itself and in this situation highlight the behavior of foreign multinational companies present on the national territory". – It now seems evident that we are faced with a commercial drift on the part of multinationals, which starts from a vision of our country only as an outlet market for their products, whose research and production phases are however carried out in other countries. This situation cannot be addressed only by the trade unions. but it must also see the institutions active, starting with the government."
Where have they been all these years, while what was happening was denounced from many quarters?
Why is it that only now, with this legislature winding down and with the specter of new elections and therefore very long periods of interregnum (where companies will be free to move as they please) come to mind, are we reminded of the pharmaceutical sector and its problems?
Why not contribute to bringing serenity to this sector by listening to the voice of the ISFs and their needs rather than looking for easy shortcuts?
As always, the questions asked are many and unanswered, let's hope that sooner or later something will change.
Umberto Alderisi