Family doctors' cooperatives create a lobby. In the light of the sun, without tricks and without deception: doctors choose this path to make themselves known by the government and distrustful regions, to change a convention that suspends judgment on them and to help the union explain what advantages these forms of association can offer the profession. Thus was born the national association of medical cooperatives, Ancom, which brings together over one hundred category cooperatives.
The idea - presented in Fiuggi at the fourth congress of the national consortium of medical cooperatives (Cncm) led by Crescenzo Simone from Benevento - was also endorsed by Antonio Di Malta of CoS, the Health Consortium. The pact also translates, at least for now, into a "stop" to cooperatives that are not of service to family doctors, but offer health services directly to patients. After all, for at least a year, the leading union of general medicine, the Fimmg led by Giacomo Milillo, has chosen the formula of the service company to allow doctors to obtain staff, shelter and computers without having to wait for the ASL, harassed by other problems, to make them available.
Incidentally, Milillo was in Fiuggi to point out that in the public sector there is still a lot of prejudice regarding the role played by the coops.
Source: MedWeb of 5 October 2009 – online version of Corriere Medico