Historical Archive

The trade union loneliness of the Scientific Informant


Storm over the new contract considered "contra legem". The contractual downgrading to C1-C2 levels for the ISFs without specific experience and the new tasks assigned to the ISFs by art. 4 point 64 of the CCNL in conflict with the law.

11/03/2013 – S. Todaro  

Ed.: the article that we gladly attach is reported to us by the Colleagues of ISFNews, whom we thank.



 Read (p. 47, 48)definitive drafting of the contractual text.  http://www.femcacisl.it/images/allegati/Stesura_evidenziata_2.pdf




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Fedaiisf Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane degli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco e del Parafarmaco