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The ax of the spending review falls on "designer" drugs

here is the new text of article 15, with all amendments approved.

Farmindustria's reaction lasts: "Shameful measure, forced to close our businesses"

The spending review also affects designer drugs. The doctor will have to limit himself to indicating only the active ingredient and eventually justify a different choice. An amendment to the spending review provides for it. "The doctor who treats a patient, for the first time, for a chronic pathology, or for a new episode of non-chronic pathology, for the treatment of which more equivalent medicines are available - reads the approved amendment - is required to indicate in the prescription of the sole denomination of the active principle contained in the drug». "Any prescription of a specific medicine among the equivalent ones must be justified by the doctor with a brief written justification".

«SHAMEFUL» – Farmindustria's reaction was immediate. The president Massimo Scaccabarozzi speaks of a "shameful" fact: "This is an attack on the pharmaceutical industry - he says - We will really be forced, at this point and as a result of these regulations, to close our companies" And he adds "it's a shame because the decree on Spending review is used to launch an attack on the pharmaceutical industry. No economic advantage derives from this measure in the context of the revision of State expenditure". The National Health Service, the note from Farmindustria specifies, "in any case reimburses only the equivalent generic drug at the lowest cost". The difference in cost, opting for a branded drug, therefore remains the responsibility of the citizen. Therefore, concludes Scaccabarozzi, «there is no saving for the State. The rationale for this measure is incomprehensible. It will mean, in the light of all this, that we will really be forced to close our businesses ».

Online editorial staffJuly 28, 2012 | 8.30pm 


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