The Ministry of Health is reborn on Sunday and the new minister will be there between Monday and Tuesday: it will be Professor Ferruccio Fazio, now Deputy Minister of Welfare with responsibility for health. The decision to appoint Fazio was made official yesterday in the Council of Ministers, once and for all clearing the field of the Ministry of Health from the head-to-head between the Lega and Pdl on regional candidacies complete with seats to be assigned to outgoing governors (Galan in Veneto, as it would seem). The timing provides for the formal indication to the Quirinale as early as Monday and the day after the swearing-in of the new minister. On Thursday, however, the oath of the two undersecretaries is expected - the confirmed Francesca Martini and Eugenia Roccella - while the Minister of Welfare, from whom Health is unpacked, should be entrusted with a delegation on bioethical issues.
The News of the Sole 24 Ore – 14/12/2009