I take advantage of the space offered by this site to announce the latest events of these days concerning the workers of a well-known Japanese multinational.
The pharmaceutical world, as we have unfortunately understood by now, has become a land of conquest of pseudo managers who, bloated by their own arrogant arrogance, have been treating scientific representatives like a flock of sheep for years.
The demonstration of this is evident and I have just read it on a site, where it is reported that in a company under investigation for bribes, the ISFs who did not reach the budget were exposed to public ridicule.
In some companies there is still a sort of pseudo-elegance, sometimes appearances are saved and one is reminded of a quality now in disuse such as "education". In others, unfortunately, everything is due and these petty characters never miss an opportunity to give their worst.
It is very recent news precisely that, in this well-known and "large" Japanese multinational which has recently seen one of its leading generic drugs, yet another damage to workers is being completed.
Guided by a top management devoid of imagination and ability, every year in this company we witness a ballet of the ISFs and their work areas, those on the right go left, those on the left go right, those on the North go to the South and vice versa, in short, recalling a Bourbon edict relating to the visit of King Ferdinand of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies on the flagship of the fleet at anchor in Naples, a great fuss is created without however obtaining who knows what brilliant results.
Since there has always been a MSW in this structure, the management thought it appropriate to move as they pleased without ever worrying except for their own interests. Now it even seems that
a line of mature products was born (actually abandoned by the company for years) made up of 20 isfs and 3 area managers. Reasons for this line? Nobody knows them, just a laconic corporate message that accompanies a powerpoint presentation with the new corporate structure. Rumors chase each other endlessly and no official news. Not even a written communication to colleagues to inform them of these line transfers, let alone give explanations or anything else.
And this time repeating a script already seen a few years ago with the creation of a similar line but with a different name (Ambra line) we will probably retrace an already known path.
This line without sales will probably be a container for future sales or possible staff mobility.
Already in the past, according to this script, a structure of 25 "uncomfortable" colleagues and 3 area managers had been created, then transferred to a still operating service company.
Why all this? The answers could be many, but perhaps the most plausible answer is only one. Such personnel are no longer needed, they are unwelcome workers and are wrongly considered useless. The business design just has to predict growing profits, scrape the bottom of the barrel, and then go home.
What will be the future of the remaining colleagues? Not too good, I'd say highly worrying on the other hand the corporate poppies are thinking of a very near hyper-specialist future and then how many isfs will be needed?
Do we open our eyes, dear colleagues, or do we still think that everything is normal?
Osvaldo Panti