It will be a decree law of 27 articles. Internal intramoenia and reorganization of territorial assistance. But also non self-sufficiency, drugs and clinical governance and much more. Established the Lea for chronic and rare diseases and new rules for professional liability. It will go to the CDM on August 31st. Here is the draft.
27 AUG - Is titled "urgent provisions to promote the development of the country through a higher level of health protection” and it is a decree law. Illustrated to the Regions last August 24, it will arrive at the Council of Ministers next Friday. Then it will be the turn of Parliament which will be called to express itself on a real "mini health reform".
It starts from the rules for the "rationalization of assistance and health care", to move on to other measures concerning the "promotion of correct lifestyles and reduction of risks associated with nutrition and veterinary emergencies". And then a series of "provisions on drugs and pharmaceutical services", to conclude with some final rules on various topics.
It should be underlined, however, that among the many topics covered in the decree, there is no measure that can be referred to that hint of new liberalizations and privatizations in the healthcare sector which the government agenda released last Friday speaks of.
After all, in an interview to Republic yesterday, Minister Balduzzi himself answered the journalist's question as follows, who insisted on knowing whether or not the Government intends to privatize healthcare: "But we're crazy. We have one of the best healthcare systems in the world, in which the private sector is within the rules of the public health service. What would it mean to open up to the private sector: charging more? Or finance the national health service in another way by asking citizens richer people to subscribe to health insurance? My program is different: that everything be in the utmost transparency so that we stop playing behind the back of the public service. After that, there's