The law of stability in the Gazette. The great unknown factor of cuts to health care. Here is the text
Fedaisf editorial staff
It will go into effect on January 1. A single article with 735 paragraphs. For health, the resources sanctioned in the Health Pact were confirmed. But the Regions will have to contribute 4 billion a year to the consolidation of the public finances. Verification by 31 January 2015, otherwise government cuts could be triggered. Healthcare included. THE TEXT IN THE JOURNAL.
For health care, this stability law maintains, for the moment, the "large numbers" of the Health Pact: euro per l’anno 2015 e in 115.444.000.000 euro per l’anno 2016. Compresa la clausola che eventuali risparmi nella sanità restino a disposizione del comparto per nuovi investimenti e migliorie dell’assistenza. Ma c’è la grande incognita dei tagli ai bilanci regionali: 4 miliardi l’anno come contributo al contenimento della spesa pubblica che le Regioni dovranno risparmiare senza intaccare i livelli essenziali di assistenza.