Nomos Centro Studi Parlamentari is one of the main Italian companies in the sector of Institutional Relations, Public affairs, Lobbying And Legislative and Parliamentary Monitoring
From today we begin a collaboration with NOMOS by reporting the parliamentary review that NOMOS itself will send us
The parliamentary day of 10 November 2020
Source NOMOS – 10 NOVEMBER 2020
Abruzzo, Basilicata, Liguria, Tuscany and Umbria will be orange zones
Five other orange regions, the province of Bozen red and a deepening in the next few hours on Campania, which could follow the Lombardyand the Piedmont and turn red. After three days of postponements, the control room of the Ministry of Health has updated the monitoring of the epidemiological situation in Italy and the Minister Robert Hope signed the ordinances with which Abruzzo, Basilicata, Liguria, Tuscany, Umbria and the province of Bozen end up in an orange band. "The situation keeps getting worse," says the director of the ministry's Prevention Department Gianni Rezza“and justifies the adoption of more restrictive measures”. Measurements will start from Wednesday 11 November, after days of back and forth between the Government and the Regions, with the data struggling to reach Rome and the constant pressure from most of the governors for the executive to abandon the system of localized restrictions adopted with the Dpcm of November 3 in favor of a national measure, a general lockdown that the premier Joseph Conte he still doesn't want to and who, however, are also asking the doctors, launching alarms for two days. For the moment, however, it does not change.
And therefore: in the next 15 days in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Umbria, Liguria and Tuscany, in addition to the measures already in force throughout Italy, the prohibition of entry and exit from the Region and travel between Municipalities, except for reasons of work, study, health and need, and the closure of bars and restaurants all day long; however, they will continue to be open schools, who will be in attendance for childhood, elementary and middle school. Even tougher lockdown in the province of Bozen, which the Ministry has included in red zone but which, in fact, had already been the case for several days: the shops were also closed, except for groceries and pharmacies, and distance learning also for the second and third graders. Not only that: in Bolzano the mayor has further tightened the measures with an ordinance that allows motor activity no more than a kilometer away from one's home. "The situation continues to worsen - says Rezza - at a national level there is a Rt of 1.7 and 500 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants" and there is an "increase in hospital admissions, especially in intensive care". So "the adoption of more restrictive interventions in the most affected regions and the adoption of prudent behavior by all citizens" is justified. Be that as it may, the five Regions will remain in orange area for at least 15 days: in fact, if the data were to worsen further, they could already turn red next week.
Mattarella signed the refreshment decree bis
A new two-and-a-half billion decree, half to give relief to businesses forced to downsize or close due to the new anti-Covid squeeze: three days after the ok of cabinet comes the signature of the Head of State Sergio Mattarella. The decree identifies a total of 130 categories that can access around 1 billion in non-repayable contributions and leaves around 400 million available immediately for the entry of other Regions into the orange or red zone. While the Minister of Health Robert Hope signing the new ordinances the calculations are already starting to evaluate whether the resources will be sufficient to restore everyone: the Ministry of the Economy will be responsible for ensuring that expenditure does not exceed the deficit limits authorized by the Chambers for this year. If the funds moved from one chapter to another shouldn't be enough, there are already those who are thinking of a refreshments decree 3, looking for other cost savings in the folds of the budget, and those aiming instead for a new deviation. Meanwhile, the first transfers to the current account of over 200 thousand are arriving VAT matches, mostly bars and restaurants, provided by the refreshments decree 1, which will already have to be integrated with the provisions of the Ristori bis. The mechanism put in place is in fact complex, even if largely automatic; meanwhile, the first list of injured parties with access to the first Refreshments decree is lengthened and includes about twenty more activities, from museums to dance courses: these will go to 50% (this is the case of internet points and rotisseries and pizzerias by the slice ) and the 40% for discos (about 1,500 those affected according to Istat), among the 15 most suffering sectors together with spas, catering, cinemas, amusement parks, tourist guides, gyms, theatres, bars and ice cream parlors. The latter if they are found in orange or red area will be entitled to a refreshment plus 50%. The same upgrade also for hotels which are the category that receives the greatest benefits from the new decree, in addition to refreshments which double in the areas most affected by the restrictions.
In the red zones everyone will also have suspension for one month of the payment of contributions. For the stop to payments, the decree allocates 549 million, another 35 for the suspension of the November advances for all ISA subjects in the red areas regardless of the loss of turnover, 234 million for the tax credit to 60% for three months' rent (October-December) and 38 million for the refreshment to the Municipalities for the cancellation, for activities in the red areas, of the second installment Imu. Fifty million goes instead to the aid to families who will have their children home from school with distance learning already in middle school: employees will be able to take leave at 50% for the entire duration of the Dad if the work cannot be done in smart working, while the self-employed (separate INPS management, artisans and traders) will be able to ask for another 1000 euros of babysitter bonus, which, however, cannot be used this time to pay family members, such as grandparents. The new provision also provides for criminal appeal trials in the Council Chamber without parties in the presence and suspension of the statute of limitations and pre-trial detention when, for example, witnesses cannot be heard due to Covid limitations. In addition, oxygen is granted to private health facilities but credited with the National Health Service, who will be able to receive up to 90% of the allocated budget even if they have had fewer visits and examinations than expected because the Regions have suspended ordinary activities.
The Senate Hall
L'Senate assembly will meet again at 4.30 pm to examine the decree for the extension of the declaration of the state of epidemiological emergency from COVID-19.
The Senate Committees
As regards the Commissions, the Constitutional affairs the discussion on the decree for the extension of the declaration of the state of epidemiological emergency from COVID-19 will continue and it will examine the bill on statistics on gender-based violence. There Balance, in meeting with the Finances, will examine the decree for the protection of health and the economic support measures connected to the COVID emergency, the so-called refreshment decree. There Instruction will hold several hearings on support measures for the entertainment sector. There Public Works will listen to the Extraordinary Commissioner for the implementation of urgent interventions to restore the functionality of the Savona cableway system under concession to Società Funivie SpA
There Agriculture will examine the bill, already approved by the Chamber, on agriculture with organic methods and the EU Act on organic production, the bill for the limitation of the sale below cost of agricultural products and the prohibition of double-reduction auctions and will discuss the assigned deal relating to problems concerning the market and toxicological aspects of the durum wheat supply chain. There Productive activities it will carry out several hearings in the context of the assigned deal on the support and promotion systems of tourist services and the production chains associated with the valorisation of the territory. There Healthcarewill listen to Prof. Giorgio Parisi, President of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, on the use of tests and tracing for the containment of the Covid-19 pandemic. There Territory will hear, at 12.00, the Minister of Economic Development Stephen Patuanelli on the aspects of interest to the Commission relating to the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and will discuss the so-called sea-saving law.
The House Chamber
During this week the Hall of the Room will not review measures. As usual, however, today at 11.00 he will discuss the interpellations and interrogations.
House Committees
As regards the Commissions, the Justice will resume the hearings in the context of the examination of the draft law delegating to the Government for the efficiency of the criminal trial and provisions for the speedy settlement of the judicial proceedings pending before the Courts of Appeal. With the Finances will hold hearings on the European Act for the adoption of the action plan for an integrated Union policy on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing. L'Foreign at 11.30 he will listen to the European Commissioner for the Economy Paolo Gentiloni Silveri on Italy's international action for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. There Culture it will hold various hearings on resolutions on cultural heritage and digital technology, and it will examine the pdl on the intermediation and management of copyright and the liberalization of the sector. There Environment will hold several hearings on measures to combat hydrogeological instability, also in the light of the effects caused by recent meteorological events in the northern regions. With the EU policies the President of the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC) Giuseppe Busia will hear on the same issue. There Transportation will listen to the representatives of Tim and Fastweb on the White Paper on artificial intelligence and will examine the pdl on the discipline of pleasure or sport flying. There Productive activities will hold several hearings on the relaunch of trade in the light of the crisis caused by the epidemiological emergency. There Work it will hold hearings in the context of the joint discussion of resolutions on social protection systems for workers and it will hold some hearings on the pdl in matters of labour, employment and increased productivity.
There Social Affairs the hearing of Silvio Brusaferro, president of the Higher Institute of Health, will continue on the Report of the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health "Prevention and response to Covid-19: evolution of strategy and planning in the transition phase for the period autumn-winter" and on the current state of monitoring and tracing of infections; hearings will continue on issues relating to the ongoing epidemiological emergency, with particular reference to the evolution of the second wave of the epidemic. There Agriculture will listen i representatives of Agrinsieme (Confagricoltura, Copagri, CIA, Alliance of Italian cooperatives - agri-food), Coldiretti and Federalimentare in the context of the examination, in a consultative session, of the bill containing the new rules on agri-food offenses, will hear the representatives of the Italian local food policy network and Italmercati in the context of the examination of the EU act "A strategy from producer to consumer for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system" and will audit the representatives of the Company for the increase in horse breeds (SIRE) and Federippodromi in the context of the examination of the proposed law on the regulation of horse breeding and delegation to the Government for the adoption of provisions aimed at the development of the sector.