The ranking of the best companies to work for in Italy according to the opinions of the people who work there

For the 21st consecutive year, Great Place to Work® Italia, awarded the 60 winners of the Ranking of the best companies to work for in Italy.

The Corriere della Sera television studios, official media partner, hosted theawards event, which was broadcast on the pages of and on social networks.

The award ceremony was attended by journalists, commentators and studio guests belonging to the corporate boards of the winning organizations, who took the stage to collect the official commemorative plaque.
Durante l’evento si è potuto riflettere insieme agli ospiti sul presente e futuro degli ambienti di lavoro e su come riuscire a creare la migliore esperienza lavorativa possibile per tutti i collaboratori.

To draw up this Ranking, Great Place to Work® Italy conducted a year-long research that analyzed 210 companies, che hanno richiesto di prendervi parte, ascoltando le opinioni riguardo all’ambiente di lavoro delle proprie persone: 94,064 collaborators belonging to the same organizations took part in the company climate survey.

These organizations discovered their position in the ranking during a unique event, with a great media reach, live streaming from the Corriere della Sera television studios in Milan.

Pharmaceutical companies ranked:

AbbVie Italy

MSD Italy

Bristol Myers Squibb

Lilly Italy

Biogen Italy


Twenty six ten


Source Great Place to Work

Related news: Abbvie di Aprilia is among the top companies to work for

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