Of Joseph Lembo
The first miracle of the spending review is the elimination of scientific drugs, tested by pharmacological research. Alternatively, just generics. You go to the pharmacy with the prescription without the specific indication of the drug to be used to treat the disease you are suffering from.
Already days ago I had launched the health alarm; in the air there was an absurd and extravagant project that provided for hospitalization, low cost structures, as per the Indian model.
Today the news that absolutely cannot go unnoticed is that concerning the Italian pharmacological system.
As a result of the spending review, the prescription of medicines will change for the ordinary people of our devastated country, for the many poor souls.
No more specific medicines with the name and surname of the pharmaceutical company that produce them, but only generic medicines, whose effects on people's health no one can absolutely guarantee, now second-rate and no longer an asset to be protected.
If we think of the low-cost Indian model for hospitalization, for medicines we are now in black Africa, the Africa of denied rights, where life counts for absolutely nothing and where one is born to die in the most absolute and general indifference. This is what is also desired for Italy.
Civilized and developed Italy has now also reached this level, where the objective of saving for the poor souls involves a widespread and generalized lowering of the quality of life and above all