ROME - "The Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Elsa Fornero, reopens the negotiations on Sigma Tau as soon as possible, to relaunch the Pomezia plant and to give certainty to workers on layoffs". The president of Italia dei Valori, Antonio Di Pietro, and the IDV deputy, Giovanni Paladini, ask for it in a parliamentary question.
”Sigma Tau, a leading company in the pharmaceutical sector, employs 2,500 workers throughout Italy, of which 1,500 in Pomezia alone. The Lazio office, heavily affected by personnel cuts, is an important hub that also provides services to the other corporate hubs. After the death of the founder of the Group, the new CEO signed a Cigs request for 569 employees, with the consequent abandonment of some projects and the reduction of basic research. To justify this request, according to the company, would be 'the combined effect of the global economic crisis with the structural modifications of the pharmaceutical market, which require a profound revision of the structure'. The choice - they continue - does not seem to completely achieve that 'diversification' so evoked by the company management, but it could be a prelude to a gradual delocalisation. Furthermore, the company's industrial plan appears to be very detailed as regards the reduction of personnel, and instead incomplete on the production and strategic choices of the group. Finally, from certain inspections carried out, it would appear that Sigma Tau transferred shares of value to a Portuguese subsidiary to avoid taxation. Therefore - the questioners underline - the competent minister is being asked what initiatives he intends to take to reopen a table in the presence of the company, the social partners and the workers' representatives. And what checks it deems wanting to carry out on the findings made by the Revenue Agency on the Group's financial statements. Findings that form the basis for the company's request for redundancy payment".
February 24, 2012