This is the sad fate according to the Study Center of the Federation. "We cannot continue to volatilize billions of euros into useless waste by hospitals such as canteens or meals, laundry, telephone expenses, and insert additional tickets and supertickets to support the system". The recipes? Let's start with the abolition of Title V.
14 MAY – Within 1,000 days there will no longer be a public National Health Service. This is supported by FederAnziani, the federation of senior citizens' associations which, through its Health Economics Study Centre, has come to the conclusion that, without a decisive change of course and the abolition of title V, in less than 3 years the State will not be able more guarantee the Health Service.
The thesis starts from the studies of the Ministry of Health e of theagenas published in the last few days, in which there is evidence of a clear increase in the use of health services, services and laboratory investigations by citizens, who for "economic needs" prefer the paid private sector, as it is faster and cheaper than the public, i.e. tickets and supertickets are too expensive and services, in private, are performed in comfortable, clean environments with no waiting lists, even spending less.
“In truth – declares the President of FederAnziani Roberto Messina – the private sector must be used because with these increases through superticket tickets and waiting lists, the public has in fact unloaded the Italian citizens”.
According to the Study Center, we cannot continue to volatilize billions of euros in useless waste by hospitals such as canteens or meals, laundry, telephone expenses, and insert additional tickets and supertickets to support the system, thus favoring social distancing of citizens from the NHS, or as in the case of vaccinations, not taking into consideration the 8,000 deaths a year due to flu complications and continuing to set up ministerial circulars or above all to launch regional tenders for the purchase of vaccines with obsolete products or in other non-priority cases for public health. All of this is nothing short of scand