26/10/2012 | Michele Arnese | Ants
A protected market is being created for generic drugs that affects research. But this only favors those who produce abroad. Massimo Scaccabarozzi, president of Farmindustria, speaks.
Massimo Scaccabarozzi does not hide his disappointment at the news that the government will raise the question of trust on the Health decree. So no amendments to change the decree bearing the signature of Minister Renato Balduzzi. The president of Farm industry he hoped that Parliament would modify this text with an amendment to correct the rule on prescription with active ingredients contained in the September decree on the spending review which - according to Scaccabarozzi - negatively affects companies in the sector, to the full benefit of the companies that produce generic drugs. For this reason, in a conversation with Formiche.net, he invokes full competition and freedom so that pharmaceutical companies can continue to invest and hire in Italy.
"The measure we are contesting - says the president of Farmindustria - affects the short-term fate of an industry with 65,000 employees, of which 90% university graduates or diploma holders; which exports 61% of production of 25 billion a year; which invests 2.4 billion a year in research and hi-tech plants. A real manufacturing asset for the country (second only to Germany), which Italy will soon lose if it does not intervene will come quickly to reverse the course that would otherwise lead to the relocation and closure of many of the 165 plants in the area, with devastating economic and employment consequences".
But what exactly are you complaining about?