Only 9% of citizens are satisfied with our healthcare. Under accusation above all the long waiting times and the cases of medical malpractice. A dissatisfaction that places our NHS at the bottom of the classification of European citizens' satisfaction with their respective health services. And that leads Italians to seek treatment across the border: the 59% says it is willing to go abroad for assistance. This is what emerges from the third annual Barometer on attitudes, expectations and concerns of European citizens in the field of health, the results of which were presented in Chamonix (France). The survey, carried out by the international research institute Csa commissioned by the Europ Assistance Group in partnership with Cercle Santé Société, was conducted in the period June-July 2009 on a sample of 2,400 Europeans (400 per country), all adults. The study, launched in 2006, compares the citizens of 6 countries of the Old Continent (Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, Sweden and Poland) on the major current health issues: quality of care, prevention, mobility, new technologies and population ageing. Among the data that emerged, the one relating to new technologies applied to health should be underlined. Although not yet particularly accustomed to looking for health information on the Internet, Italian citizens seem to be in favor of the dissemination and use of medical advice via the web (47%). A figure curiously in contrast with the lowest European average.
From Pharmacist33 of 09/29/2009 – Year 5 – No. 162