In June 2017, the seasonally adjusted index of industrial production recorded an increase of 1.1% compared to May. On average for the April-June 2017 quarter, production increased by 1.1% compared to the previous three months.
Corrected for calendar effects, in June 2017 the index increased in trend terms by 5.3% (there were 21 working days as in June 2016). On average for the first six months of the year, production increased by 2.2% compared to the same period of the previous year.
The seasonally adjusted monthly index records positive cyclical changes in the groupings of energy (+5.7%), intermediate goods and consumer goods (both +1.3%); On the other hand, the capital goods sector shows a negative change
In trend terms, the indices adjusted for calendar effects recorded significant growth in June 2017 for energy (+9.8%); consumer goods (+5.6%), capital goods (+5.1%) and intermediate goods (+4.0%) also increased significantly.
As regards the sectors of economic activity, in June 2017 the sectors that recorded the greatest trend growth is in the production of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations (+18.5%), the manufacture of means of transport (+13.6%), the manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products (+12.1%) and the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air (+10.8%). The only sector that recorded a decrease is that of the wood, paper and printing industry (-1.1%).
Reference period June 2017
ISTAT – Date of publication August 09, 2017
Full text and methodological note
Production of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations
Seasonally adjusted data
Jun 17/May 17: +5,9
Apr 17-Jun 17/Jan 17-Mar17: +1,1
Data corrected for calendar effects
Jun 17/Jun 16: +18,5
Jan-Jun 17/Jan-Jun 16: +6,3
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