Production of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations: November over October 2014: +7.6. On an annual basis: November 2014 to November 2013: – 2.8
In November 2014, the seasonally adjusted index of industrial production increased by 0.3% compared to October. On average for the September-November quarter, production decreased by 1.0% compared to the previous quarter.
Corrected for calendar effects, in November 2014, the index decreased in trend terms by 1.8% (the working days were 20 as in November 2013). On average for the first eleven months of the year, production fell by 0.9% compared to the same period of the previous year.
In November, the seasonally adjusted index shows positive cyclical changes in the segments of consumer goods (+1.8%), intermediate goods (+0.8%) and capital goods (+0.2%); instead the energy decreases (-1,5%).
In trend terms, the indices adjusted for calendar effects recorded, in November 2014, decreases in the energy (-6.9%), intermediate goods (-3.0%) and capital goods (-0.9%) sectors. Conversely, consumer goods increased (+0.9%).
As regards the sectors of economic activity, in November 2014, the sectors that recorded the greatest trend increases are those of the manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products, electromedical equipment, measuring equipment and watches (+6.0%), manufacturing of means of transport (+4.8%), of the textile, clothing, leather and accessories industries (+1.9%). The largest decreases were recorded in the manufacturing of electrical and non-electrical household appliances (-12.0%), the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air (-7.8%) and the manufacturing of coke and refined petroleum products (-7.4%).
SECTOR Production of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations
Seasonally adjusted data
Nov 14/Oct 14: + 7,6
Sep-Nov 14/Jun-Aug 14: -5,1
Data corrected for calendar effects
Nov 14/Nov 13: -2,8
Jan-Nov 14/Jan-Nov 13: -1,1