The deputy of the Democratic Party, Lenzi, carried out a query to underline how there is "a legislative gap that allows pharmaceutical multinationals to enter the drug market and escape the constraints of the NHS and Aifa". Undersecretary Fadda, in replying, acknowledged that the problem exists.
04 JUL – “In response today to our question in the Social Affairs Commission – he said Donata Lenzi, Pd group leader in the Social Affairs Committee of the Chamber - Undersecretary Fadda acknowledged that there is the problem of a clear legislative flaw that allows pharmaceutical multinationals to enter the drug market but also to escape the constraints of the National Health Service and the Italian Medicines Agency. This is an iniquity on which we ask the government to intervene: differences between rich regions and poor regions are not acceptable. Furthermore, a legislative intervention on this issue can no longer be postponed".
The question presented by the deputy of the Democratic Party highlighted how the decree-law of 13 September 2012, n. 158 "Urgent provisions to promote the development of the country through a higher level of health protection" converted by law 8 November 2012, n. 189, provides that medicinal products already authorized by the EU must be automatically included in category C, for a fee, "pending the presentation by the pharmaceutical company of any application for a different classification for reimbursement purposes". In other words, while waiting for AIFA and the companies to find an agreement on the price to be reimbursed by the national health service, these medicines are still put on the market but only for a fee.
This, Lenzi explained in the question, in fact creates "strong discrimination in access to new drugs that risk becoming the prerogative of a lucky few (in terms of income), given their price, until (there are no maximum terms) authorities and companies find an agreement on the reimbursable price".
The interrogation concluded with a request to the Minister of "to urgently intervene in order to guarantee all patients the right to health, as well as