Historical Archive

ISTAT: Industrial production index


Reference period: July 2010
Released on: September 10, 2010


In July 2010, on the basis of the elements available up to now, the seasonally adjusted industrial production index, with base 2005=100, recorded an increase of 0.1 per cent compared to June 2010; the change in the average of the last three months compared to that of the immediately preceding three months is equal to plus 2.1 per cent.

In July, the production index corrected for calendar effects recorded a tendential increase of 4.8 per cent (there were 22 working days, against 23 in July 2009), while in the first seven months of 2010 the change compared in the same period of 2009 it increased by 5.4 percent (there were 147 working days, as in 2009).

The crude index of industrial production recorded an increase of 1.7 percent compared to July 2009. In the trend comparison relating to the January-July period, the index increased by 5.3 percent.

In the pharmaceutical sector in July 2010, on the basis of the elements available up to now, the seasonally adjusted industrial production index, with base 2005=100, recorded an increase of 1.8% compared to June 2010; the change in the average of the last 3 months compared to that of the previous three months is equal to plus 0.8.

In July, the production index corrected for calendar effects recorded a tendential increase of 0.4 per cent (there were 22 working days, against 23 in July 2009), while in the first seven months of 2010 the change compared in the same period of 2009 it was up 3.4 percent (there were 147 working days, as in 2009).

CF Production of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations

CONJUNCTURAL CHANGES:            Jul 10/Jun 10 + 1.8


                                                                              Mag-Jul 10/Feb-Apr 10 +0.8


TREND CHANGES                                         Jul 10/Jul 09 + 0.4



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